The Long Way Around Ice and Snow

I grew up in southern California. People don’t lie when they say it’s sunny all the time. When we get any type of precipitation, we freak out. I’ve been gradually moving to colder and colder places. First Memphis and now Washington D.C. While I’ve experienced ice and snow before (snow-shoeing in Lake Tahoe, fighting for balance in Edinburgh), I’ve never had to deal with it on a day to day basis. Here are some things I’ve learned since dealing with cold weather: 1. Ice scrapers are your friend. You go nowhere if you can’t see through ice on your windshield. 2. Flip up your wipers on your car so they don’t stick to the windshield. Your car looks like a dork, but it’s much more difficult to scrape away a deep layer of ice caked to your window because it got caught on your wiper.

It’s like your car is saying “Here I am!”

3. Traction is key. I’ve gotten used to wearing my boots with deep grooves outside and changing into more work appropriate clothes once I get there. 4. Ice is no joke. Snow is beautiful. Ice is treacherous. Freezing rain means that people are going to the hospital. There were lots of ambulances the other day on campus because people fell and broke their bodies. As soon as the rain hits a surface, it freezes. This is what gives us lovely icicles and also makes it possible to slide down the sidewalk like you’re on a slip-n-slide. My car has been stuck in ice for a few days now. I tried to leave my parking spot, but my wheels couldn’t get any traction, so I couldn’t go anywhere. Actually, I realized this after I was half-way out of my spot, so I was half in the street, blocking everybody, and half in the spot. A good Samaritan tried to help me, but after half of hour of trying to break up the ice and putting down some salt, we both agreed, it would be safer to stay. I managed to back right back in to my spot. Ice storms make you take stock of your life. When you know you’re going to be snowed in, what do you run to buy at the store? Duh. Soup and alcohol #Priorities. We have a snow day today, and I was really in the mood for something warm and sweet like brownies, but had no supplies. I’m not going outside, so I had to forage for food in our pantry. Collectively, my roommates and I had nutella, apples, oatmeal, and some sugar. I just took the concoction out of the oven. Still have yet to determine whether it’s a success or not.

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